Musical Theater Workshop
Participants learn vocal and acting skills as well as choreography and dialogue. We develop a workshop presentation of musical selections from America’s classic Broadway Musicals and each season culminates in a performance.
- Beginning/Intermediate level
- Monday 1-3pm
- Taught by Ellen Robinson (Musical Director)
and Bruce Bierman (Director/Choreographer)
Download the Stagebridge Winter 2020 Class Schedule
2501 Harrison St.
Oakland, CA 94612
510) 444-4755
About Stagebridge
Harmony Ensemble (On break)
An exciting journey into the world of harmony! This is a class for advanced singers who want to take on a variety of musical styles in three parts: jazz, Broadway, pop, 50’s and 60’s, R&B. We’ll address ways to improve your vocal technique and further develop your music reading skills. Audition needed to join this class.
- Singers need to have the ability to hold their own while singing harmony and some music reading ability is required.
- Tuesday 3:15-4:45pm
- Taught by Ellen Robinson